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Professional Visit Pass PVP


For expatriates looking for a professional visa on a temporary basis, they are advised to apply for a Professional Visit Pass (PVP). The PVP is granted to foreign workers and talents with the accepted professional qualifications and skills.

Qualified Working Roles

There are 6 categories in which the applicant will need to fulfill at least one to be eligible for this professional permit (PVP). These categories include:

● Expertise Transfer

E.g: Installation & Fixing of Machines and Equipment Expert; Technical Advisor

● Research

E.g: Researcher, Research Assistant

● Training

E.g: Professor; Lecturer; Speaker

● Volunteers

● Exhibitors under regulation of Malaysia Convention & Exhibition Bureau (MyCEB)

Important Information

● The PVP is valid for up to 12 months ONLY, it is non-renewable and a new application will need to be made.

● Applicants must be outside of Malaysia/in their country of origin when applying for a PVP.

● In the event of a change in employer while the professional visa is still valid, the PVP holder will need to cancel the current pass and serve a 3 month cooling period before reapplication.

● PVP holders are not entitled to apply for Dependent Passes for his/her family members.